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Detailed Information

Engine & Gearbox



Further details

Consumption & Emissions

Fuel Consumption*

Energy costs*

Possible CO² costs over the next 10 years (15,000 km/year)*


* The information is provided in accordance with the Passenger Car Energy Consumption Labelling Regulation. The values stated were determined in accordance with the prescribed WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure) measurement method. The fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions of a car depend not only on the efficient utilisation of fuel by the car, but also on driving style and other non-technical factors. CO₂ is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. A guide to the fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions of all new car models offered in Germany can be viewed free of charge at any point of sale in Germany where new cars are displayed or offered for sale. The guide is also available here: